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Topic of Cancer

Hitchens writes about what it feels like to be diagnosed with cancer.

He is wonderfully unsentimental as when he suggests that an appropriate answer to that inevitable question about 'Why Me?' is ... 'Why Not?'

Yeah, exactly the kind of stoicism that I hope to display under circumstances of stress.

It's infinitely infantile of course to imagine that the universe cares whether we are alive or dead! But clearly, people who believe in one variety of religion or the other do believe that there exists a benevolent 'Father' up in the sky who is looking after us.

Of course, it beats me how people can believe in the basic scientific facts such as the fact of the Earth being a sphere and revolving around the Sun in space and at the same time believe in all this religious childish mumbo-jumbo. You see, when you look up at the sky to point to the Big Fellow with the White Beard, that's only a part of the sky that's relatively located at the top of your head at that point in time.

If you could go through the center of the Earth, you would reach a point exactly opposite to where you are standing at the moment and there, you would again point to the sky to locate 'Heaven.'

The problem is that these two heavens would be located in exactly the opposite directions!


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