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Polio in India

A new report says that polio in India is at its lowest ebb in the last 10 years.

Some achievement that! When you consider that polio was eradicated about 50 years back in the advanced nations.

India is strange. One hears strange tales of how people in parts are suspicious about why the government wants to give polio drops to their kids. They think it's a conspiracy by the government to make the kids infertile so that their won't be any more offspring!

Holy cow!

Of course, once such a belief takes hold in a certain community, it is really difficult to make them understand that it's not so.

And so the pulse polio immunization programs will endure for many years to come and we will continue to have Polio Sundays.

I have sympathy for the poor kids who are getting fed so much polio drops every few Sundays. They must be thinking — oh no, there we again! More polio drops! I tell you, polio sucks man!


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