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It's Tough

I mean, being a "rich" girl.

I mean it.

I was thinking of N. R. Narayan Murthy's daughter who used to work at Siderian Ventures before her recent marriage.

She is apparently worth about 1,600 crores on account of her holding in Infosys.

Narayan Murthy, being the good guy that he is, has given himself the least amount of wealth in his family — doling out more to his wife and son and daughter.

As I was saying though, I think it's a tough spot to be in — being the daughter of a rich dad.

I mean, they must be having to make some difficult choices in life, I believe ...

For example, when it comes to choosing a life partner, they must be weighing their options ... on the one hand, they might like to hitch up with a rich guy who, being rich himself, would not drool over her net worth.

On the other hand, she might choose to opt for a non-so-rich guy ... but John Galts and Howard Roarks only exist in the realm of fiction...

Last but not the least, if you are already worth a thousand crores plus, how do you persuade yourself to get up in the morning and go to the office?!?!?! Noooooooooooooo, I'm just kidding ... I am sure being a venture capitalist is a very exciting job ... irrespective of one's net worth.

BTW, would it be a crime to say that VC funding is a little bit — just a little bit — like gambling???


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